
None of my travels are complete without these companions

While our daily commute is fairly limited, we like to do road trips to places near Chennai like Pondicherry, Mahabalipuram etc. We enjoy traveling as a family and over time have developed our own techniques to enjoy the journey together. If you are planning a family road trip, consider some of the tips below for company along with your family members:

    1. Book worms – Carry your favourite books that you enjoy reading over and over again or new books that you have been meaning to read for a long time but not been able to take out the time. For your children you can carry their favourite story books and read to them or ask them to narrate those stories. Activity books are harder in the car especially if you are not seated together but you can try them for variety as well.
    2. Music and melody – Pick up your favourite CDs before you head out. Songs are a fun way to enjoy the journey and usually set the mood for fun. We have even created our own DVD’s of nursery rhymes with latest Bollywood and classic English songs coming in at various intervals to make it interesting for the whole family.
    3. Munching time – Food is a big part of a road trip with family. Snacking in the car can be a major time saver, a solution to avoid stopping too many times during a drive. Keep snacks which are easy to procure, pack, eat and store. Some can even tingle your taste buds. Our family enjoys murrukku, banana chips, and Kurkure. Especially the kurkure Cheese puff corn flavour is yummy and an instant hit amongst all of us. It is one food that’s convenient, safe and tasty and makes our travel even more fun. Other finger foods and small packs of Tropicana 100% juice, flavoured yogurt etc. can also be packed along for variety.
    4. Power nap – A short nap in a long journey may be helpful. Just ensure the one in the passenger seat stays fully awake along with the driver. A nap will recharge everyone for all the fun in store at the destination and provide a respite in case boredom sets in during the journey.
    5. Sing-a-song – Sing your favourite songs and nursery rhymes together along with hand actions. We have even made up our own songs: “Here we go again, Driving lane by lane. Looking at the view, Taking paths anew!” I often get looks from other cars thinking I am crazy but who cares as long as we are enjoying!
    6. Switch the driver – My husband and I take turns to drive so that the other can take a break and catch up on snacking and social media.
    7. Technology to the rescue – Download some interesting apps and games on your phone/I Pad. On my phone, I now have many games for me and my son (puzzles, Lego games, colouring games). You can even download some favourite shows and songs for the journey.
    8. Be inventive – Every road trip need not have the same elements. Add a few new surprises to keep the excitement high, especially for the kids. You can create your own little games like number plate search of vehicles around you. You can even experiment with the snacks and flavours you carry each time.

So we are looking forward to packing for our next road trip with books, music, Kurkure and toys. These have become an integral part of our road trips, almost like the other companions (family) travelling with us in the car.

This article was first published on Momspresso (erstwhile mycity4kids) sponsored by Kurkure.  

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